OHS Essentials for Managers - Victoria Online Course
OHS Essentials for Managers - Victoria Online Course
Estimated Duration & Cost 4-8 hours $100 per person (ex GST)
Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.
This course looks at the key areas of OHS Management in order to give Managers and Supervisors overall knowledge of how to think safety and how to best manage safety within their area or department or business. The course can be completed in small chunks. In fact enrolment lasts for 1 year, so you can take as long as you like to complete it.
Objectives & Course Outline
The course objectives are to provide a clear understanding of the following topics:
- Where to get safety information
- What is the legislative landscape including some sample cases
- What should an OHS Management System look like?
- Consultation requirements and methods
- Hazards and Risk Management
- Safety Culture
- Incident Management
Who should complete the course?
Anyone in Victoria who wants to know about how to manage safety. Particularly Managers and Supervisors, however it would also be beneficial for Safety Coordinators, Safety Advisors, Safety Managers or Health and Safety Representatives.
Getting Started
Enrolment Link - https://safetyinduct.com.au/course/view.php?id=95
PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user. You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on ohsandhr@gmail.com.
Manual enrolment Instructions – Email ohsandhr@gmail.com and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.
Click here for Course Brochure