Enrolment options

Workplace Sexual Harassment and Gendered Violence Awareness Online Course

Workplace Sexual Harassment and Gendered Violence Awareness Online Course

Cost - $20 per person  Estimated Duration - 30 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (ie GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


The Workplace Sexual Harassment and Gendered Violence Awareness  Program is brought to you by OHS&HR Management Systems. This program has been developed by Julie McLoughlin, Chartered Professional Member of the Health and Safety Institute of Australia. The material is based on the Victorian 2004 OHS Act and the Victorian Equal Opportunity Act 2010.


  • To develop an understanding of legal requirements in Victorian workplaces that relate to Sexual Harassment and Gendered Violence
  • To gain an understanding of what behaviours are acceptable and unacceptable in the workplace from a legal perspective and look at the impacts of these behaviours
  • To discover some tools to help prevent and deal with unacceptable behaviours in the workplace

Course Outline

  • Minimum standards for employers
  • What is work-related gendered violence?
  • Some key terminology
  • Types of work-related gendered violence
  • What is sexual harassment?
  • Work-related sexual harassment
  • So what is acceptable behaviour?
  • Legal Framework
  • What if the accused didn't mean to offend?
  • Victimisation is Illegal
  • Some Cases
  • Dealing with discrimination or sexual harassment
  • Risks and effects of work-related gendered violence
  • How it affects people & who is most at risk?
  • Work-related factors that can contribute to the risk
  • Preventing work-related gendered violence
  • How can you as an employee contribute to an inclusive workplace for all genders?
  • Helping as a bystander
  • What to do if you are sexually harassed or the victim of gendered violence at work
  • VEOHRC Sexual harassment support and response tool
  • Where to find immediate help
  • Legislation Summaries

Who should complete this course?

All leaders, managers, and employees (potentially contractors) in your workplace.

Getting Started

Enrolment Link -  https://safetyinduct.com.au/course/view.php?id=145

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on ohsandhr@gmail.com.

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email ohsandhr@gmail.com and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure

Facilitator: Julie McLoughlin
Guest access
Guest access

This course requires a payment for entry.

Cost: AUD 20.00

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