Friday, 17 May 2024, 10:20 PM
Site: SafetyInduct
Course: Emergency Management Forums and Glossary (Forums&glossary)
Glossary: Emergency Management Terminology


A person attending a facility on a permanent or temporary basis, such as an employee, contractor, student or resident, but not a visitor. 

Occupant warning equipment

Systems and devices that operate to alert people within a facility to an emergency. 


1 Examples of occupant warning equipment are emergency warning and intercommunication systems (EWIS), sound systems for emergency purposes (s.s.e.p.), smoke alarms, pagers, visual warning systems including strobe lights, hand-held alarm devices, and intercom systems. 

2 Occupant warning equipment may operate as part of a fire detection and alarm system and may function in conjunction with other emergency detection systems, such as those for storms, earthquakes and bomb threats.

Occupant/visitor with a disability

A person who requires–
(a) more time or different forms of communication, compared with other occupants, to respond to an emergency; or 
(b) assistance to respond to an emergency or evacuate from a facility.