Friday, 3 May 2024, 4:28 PM
Site: SafetyInduct
Course: Emergency Management Forums and Glossary (Forums&glossary)
Glossary: Emergency Management Terminology

Emergency response exercise

A site-specific exercise implemented to determine the effectiveness of the emergency response procedures

Emergency response procedures

documented scheme of assigned responsibilities, actions and procedures within a designated section of the emergency plan, to respond to and manage emergencies. 

Emergency response team (ERT)

Specialist personnel, appointed to attend specific incidents, to contain, control or eliminate the emergency using emergency response equipment.

Emergency warning and intercommunication systems (EWIS)

Alarm system to notify occupants of the need to evacuate. May have up to 3 phases (sounds), warning, Evacuate and Return


Emergency planning committee (EPC)
Persons responsible for the documentation and maintenance of an emergency plan, including allocation of response responsibilities and training and drills.


The orderly movement of people from a place of danger.

Evacuation diagram

Emergency and evacuation information about the facility, comprising a pictorial representation of a floor or area and other relevant emergency response information.

Evacuation exercise

An emergency response exercise in which the exercise simulates an emergency that requires an evacuation.


Emergency warning and intercommunication systems

Alarm system to notify occupants of the need to evacuate. May have up to 3 phases (sounds), warning, Evacuate and Return


Fire indicator panel (FIP)

The controlling component of a fire alarm System. The panel receives information from environmental sensors designed to detect changes associated with fire, monitors their operational integrity and provides for automatic control of equipment, and transmission of information necessary to prepare the facility for fire based on a predetermined sequence