Courses in this category include:

  1. Office and Home Office Safety Training  (3 versions 1. Home, 2.Office 3. Home & Office)
  2. Ladders Safety Training
  3. Manual Handling Training
  4. Commercial Kitchen Safety
  5. Hazardous Workplace Noise Safety (1 version for Management - Managing Noise & 1 version for Employees - Noise awareness) 

Hazardous Workplace Noise Safety Awareness for Employees Training Online Course

Hazardous Workplace Noise Safety Awareness for Employees Training Online Course

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 30 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


The purpose of this training is to help provide awareness relating to noise hazards in the workplace to reduce the chance of injury. This course provides an  understanding of workplace noise regulations as per the Victorian Compliance Code for Noise. It is designed to help employees understand compliance requirements, protect worker health, and minimize noise-related risks. You will gain knowledge of noise control measures, risk assessment procedures, and effective noise management systems. While it won’t make you an expert in noise management, it will provide a foundational knowledge to help you understand workplace noise hazards and collaborate effectively with noise control specialists to manage noise hazards.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    1. Understand the key elements of the Victorian Compliance Code for Noise.
    2. Identify noise hazards and determine levels of risk.
    3. Understand noise control measures.
    4. Understand worker rights and employer responsibilities regarding noise exposure.

Course Outline

  • Noise Hazards
  • Understanding Noise Exposure Standards   
  • Identifying and Assessing Noise Hazards
  • Noise Control Measures
  • Employer and Employee Responsibilities

Who should complete this course?

  • Health and safety representatives (HSRs)
  • Workers in industries exposed to high levels of noise (there is a light version which may be preferred for workers)

Getting Started

Enrolment Link -

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure

Managing Hazardous Workplace Noise Safety Awareness Training Online Course

Managing Hazardous Noise Safety Awareness Training Online Course

Note - Cost - $25 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 30-60 minutes Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


The purpose of this training is to help to clarify the requirements around managing noise hazards in the workplace to reduce the chance of injury. This course provides an in-depth understanding of workplace noise regulations as per the Victorian Compliance Code for Noise. It is designed to help businesses meet compliance requirements, protect worker health, and minimize noise-related risks. You will gain knowledge of noise control measures, risk assessment procedures, and how to implement effective noise management systems. While it won’t make you an expert in noise management, it will provide a foundational knowledge to help you identify workplace noise hazards and collaborate effectively with noise control specialists to manage noise hazards.


By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

    1. Understand the key elements of the Victorian Compliance Code for Noise.
    2. Conduct workplace noise assessments.
    3. Identify noise hazards and determine levels of risk.
    4. Implement noise control measures.
    5. Develop and apply noise management strategies to ensure compliance with the code.
    6. Understand worker rights and employer responsibilities regarding noise exposure.

Course Outline

  • Noise Hazards
  • Understanding Noise Exposure Standards   
  • Identifying and Assessing Noise Hazards
  • Noise Control Measures
  • Employer and Employee Responsibilities
  • Recording and Reporting
  • Monitoring, Review and Continuous Improvement

Who should complete this course?

  • Business owners
  • Managers and supervisors
  • Health and safety representatives (HSRs)
  • Occupational health and safety (OHS) professionals
  • Workers in industries exposed to high levels of noise (there is a light version which may be preferred for workers)

Getting Started

Enrolment Link -

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure

Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 30-45 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


This course aims to provide guidance and examples of how to risk assess your office and is based on Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Victoria guidance.

For employees: In this course you can check your workstation ergonomics and provide a report for your employer, which may include some requests for changes or additions to your current set up.

For employers: If you have employees working at computers you can help meet your OHS legislative requirements, by getting them to complete the course and provide you with a report of their workstations, giving you the means to assist with any injury prevention needs they may have, and providing records that you are meeting your requirements.


  • Learners should have a good understanding of hazards in the office and how to control them
  • Learners will be able to undertake an ergonomic checklist
  • Employers should have evidence of workstations that are ergonomically set up for their employees

Course Outline

  • Your WHS duties as a worker, Consultation, If you do get injured
  • Risk Management at your workplace
  • Hazard Identification in office environments
  • If you identify hazards
  • Risk Control
  • Good Practice
  • Monitoring hazards and controls
  • Exercises for office workers
  • Setting up your workstation
  • Time to check your set up

Getting Started

Enrolment Link

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for a Course Brochure

Home Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

Home Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 30-45 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


This course aims to provide guidance and examples of how to risk assess your home office work and is based on Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Victoria guidance.

For employees: In this course you can check your home workstation ergonomics  and provide a report for your employer, which may include some requests for changes or additions to your current set up.

For employers: If you have employees working at home you can help meet your OHS legislative requirements, by getting them to complete the course and provide you with a report of their workstations, giving you the means to assist with any injury prevention needs they may have, and providing records that you are meeting your requirements.


  • Learners should have a good understanding of hazards in the home and how to control them
  • Learners will be able to undertake an ergonomic checklist
  • Employers should have evidence of home office workstations that are ergonomically set up for their employees

Course Outline

  • Your WHS duties as a worker, Consultation, If you do get injured
  • Risk Management for work at home 
  • Hazard Identification
  • If you identify hazards
  • Risk Control
  • Monitoring hazards and controls
  • Exercises for office workers
  • Setting up your workstation
  • Time to check your set up

Estimated duration - 30-45 minutes  Cost - $15 per person (ex GST)

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.

Getting Started

Enrolment Link

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for a Course Brochure

Office Safety and Home Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

Office Safety and Home Office Safety Online Course including ergonomics

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 30-45 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


This course aims to provide guidance and examples of how to risk assess your office and home office work and is based on Safe Work Australia and WorkSafe Victoria guidance.

For employees: In this course you can check your workstation ergonomics (home or office) and provide a report for your employer, which may include some requests for changes or additions to your current set up.

For employers: If you have employees working at computers (either at home or in the office) you can help meet your OHS legislative requirements, by getting them to complete the course and provide you with a report of their workstations, giving you the means to assist with any injury prevention needs they may have, and providing records that you are meeting your requirements.


  • Learners should have a good understanding of hazards in the office and how to control them
  • Learners will be able to undertake an ergonomic checklist
  • Employers should have evidence of workstations that are ergonomically set up for their employees

Course Outline

  • Your WHS duties as a worker, Consultation, If you do get injured
  • Risk Management for work at home or at your workplace
  • Hazard Identification
  • Identification in office environments
  • If you identify hazards
  • Risk Control
  • Good Practice
  • Monitoring hazards and controls
  • Exercises for office workers
  • Setting up your workstation
  • Time to check your set up

Getting Started

Enrolment Link

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for a Course Brochure

Facilitator: Julie McLoughlin

Safe Workplace Manual Handling Training Online Course

Safe Workplace Manual Handling Training Online Course

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 15-20 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


This course aims to provide guidance and examples of how to risk assess your workplace manual handling tasks and is based on WorkSafe Victoria guidance.


  • Learners will gain knowledge of safe manual handling techniques
  • Learners will discover how to risk assess manual handling tasks in their workplace to reduce the chance of manual handing injuries

Course Outline

  • Poor Manual Handling results in significant serious WorkCover Claims
  • Effective or ineffective controls?
  • WorkSafe Victoria Compliance Code
  • What is a musculoskeletal disorder (MSD)?
  • What are hazardous manual tasks?
  • How to identify Hazardous Manual Handling?
  • Examples from the Compliance Code
  • Questions to help assess the risk
  • Controlling the Risk – the Hierarchy of Control
  • What are our controls aiming to reduce?
  • Ideas to reduce hazards / Some examples of controls
  • Some key tips to stay safe
  • WorkSafe tools to help risk assess your manual handling tasks

Who should complete this course?

Any employees who undertake manual handling tasks

Getting Started

Enrolment Link -

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure

Facilitator: Julie McLoughlin

Ladder Safety Training Online Course

Ladder Safety Training Online Course $15

 Cost - $15 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 15 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


 This course is based on WorkSafe Victoria's 2023 guidance for working with ladders


  • Learners will gain knowledge relating to key information about ladder safety and what you should do when working with ladders
  • Learners will understand safe ladder selection and when not to use ladders

Course Outline

  • Using portable ladders in the workplace
  • Fall Prevention
  • Selecting a ladder
  • Setting up a ladder
  • Using the ladder
  • Ladder Maintenance
  • Acceptable use of ladders
  • When not to use a ladder
  • Risk Assessing your decision to use a ladder

Who should complete this course?

Employees who need to work at heights and potentially use ladders.

Getting Started

Enrolment Link

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure

Facilitator: Julie McLoughlin

Commercial Kitchen Safety Training Online Course

Commercial Kitchen Safety Training Online Course

 Cost - $20 per person (ex GST) Estimated duration - 20-30 minutes

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.


This course is designed to provide you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be part of a safe working environment in commercial kitchen settings. Whether you're a chef, kitchen manager, or kitchen hand, understanding and implementing proper safety protocols is essential for preventing accidents and ensuring the well-being of staff and customers. Throughout this course, we will cover various hazards commonly found in commercial kitchens and explore best practices for hazard identification, risk assessment, and control measures.

This course has been designed to form a part of a new staff induction process for commercial kitchens. the course can be customised to suit a particular organisation or kitchen environment.


Learners will be able to:

  • Prevent trips and understand the importance of regular housekeeping to keep travel ways clear.
  • Avoid fires and burn injuries and safety work around appliances that produce steam and heat.
  • Safely store and use sharp knives.
  • Safely store and use kitchen chemicals.
  • Work safely with electricity in the kitchen.
  • Recognise and manage mental health issues.
  • Think critically about your manual handling activities.

Course Outline

  • Slips, Trips, and Falls
  • Burns and Scalds
  • Using Kitchen Equipment
  • Knife safety and avoiding cuts
  • Fire safety in the kitchen
  • Chemical Safety in the kitchen
  • Electrical safety in the kitchen
  • Manual Handling in the kitchen
  • Mental Health in the kitchen
  • Personal Security

Who should complete this course?

Employees who are working or intending to work in commercial kitchens (chefs, kitchen hands). Also good for home cooks.

Note: All kitchen staff should complete Food Safety Training such as SITXFSA005 Use Hygienic Practices for Food Safety or the free Government DoFoodSafety Course which are separate to this course, and are not offered by OHS&HR Management Systems as we are not a Registered Training Organisation (RTO)

Note - Self-enrolment is available via PayPal for a 10% discount (GST inc). Ask about group discounts for more than 10 persons enrolled and having the course customised to suit your organisational needs.

Getting Started

Enrolment Link

PayPal Enrolment Instructions - To undertake this course, you will need to be a 'user'. If you are not already a safetyinduct user, click on the create new account link at the top right of the screen and set up as a new user.  You will then be able to enrol in the course and pay via PayPal (self-enrolment has a 10% discount). If you would like assistance or other payment options, contact Julie on

Manual enrolment Instructions – Email and we can set up your enrolments and provide an invoice.

Click here for Course Brochure